Take Advantage of your QNL(Qatar National Library) Access Card

The Qatar National Library [QNL] is a state of the art library situated right in the middle of Universities in the Qatar University Campus.

The place is well organized with a plethora of books ranging from novel to biography to Science and whatever you can think of.

It has a dedicated exclusive section for toddlers and young adults with an immaculate amount of books ranging from classics to activity based DIY guides.

Online Resources

I have not really taken advantage of the place, in spite of being in the country for quite some time now. However, while the membership renewal reminder e-mail came, I stumbled upon some serious treasure!

Though the section which details about what are the perks you get is not is very fancy, what it brings about will blow you away.

The full list of the resources can be explored here, once you login.

Here are two gems I unearthed from this link.


This app gives you access to newspapers, magazines and other periodicals. As a kid I looked foreword to train journeys to get a copy of Tinkle or Reader’s Digest. The Editorial from The Hindu has played quite a role in developing my language and bringing about clarity of thought. Sportstar was a weekly magazine I collected religiously. The Gulf Times, a Qatar based newspaper, which I have found to be at par with The Hindu. All these and thousands more are available for free through this app, if you have the QNL card. There are thousands of libraries which give this facility through this app, but I doubt if there would be many or any like QNL which provides it for free. Remember, subscription for one of these is quite a hefty deal these days!!

The app let’s you read in the original format or just the text, which you can select by clicking the section.


This app is to quench your reading appetite!! You name the genre, you have it in there. You can flip the pages or read the text in epub or any e-Book format. At a time, you can borrow upto 5 books, which can be held longer on request. Gives you a nostalgic vibe of the good old days, where the librarian issued you books and you returned in the stipulated number of days!!

Do not forget to explore the full database here.

Courtesy: DC Books

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